Remembering and Thanksgiving

Wig Dinner-41[1]

I hope you will say a prayer of thanksgiving today. It has been two years since Penny’s peaceful departure into God’s hands. I thought a picture of Penny Jane with an incredible giant cookie cake would be appropriate. She loved life, her family, people, chocolate, cookies, and all of you in particular. So, remember and let her life continue to inspire you and you may want to venture back into her blog for inspiration.

Another wonderful mark of this anniversary: the Presbytery’s Penny Hill Impact Fund awarded a number of grants last week from proceeds from sale of the Open Door Community property. This includes large grants to the Atlanta Children’s Shelter (Nicholas is on the Board), The Samaritan Center and Women’s Shelter at First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta where Penny was family minister for 16 years, and the Buckhead Christian Ministry for housing for the poor in which my church is partnered. I believe their were other significant gifts and we thank God for the continued impact Penny is having for the poor and for justice causes in our community.

I’ll also remind you of the Winship 5k that is held next Saturday, Oct 13th and encourage you to support Mike & Lindsey Thame’s Team to continue the battle to cure cancer:

Remember to Live, Love, Laugh and give God the glory!


23 thoughts on “Remembering and Thanksgiving

  1. minbowden says:

    Richard,Thank you for sharing this incredible news that Penny’s legacy continues to help those in challenging life situations.  She always fought for people who needed God’s servants to minister to them.  Today is a celebration for her God.  Blessings to you, beloved friend in Christ and brother,Minnie B


  2. Eve Earnest says:

    Penny would be so excited about these grants which will help untold people. I often think of Penny and her joy of serving others.


  3. Gail Whiting says:

    How fitting to remember Penny. on The Feast of St Francis of Assisi. May we all be “channels of His Peace and sowers of love”. And may you and your family be comforted knowing Penny was “promoted”to her heavenly home

    Blessings Gail

    Sent from my iPhone




    I was mentioning your help, support, and church recommendation to friends this past Tuesday. You and Penny (with her awesome strength and courage) will remain with me and Jack always.

    Love you,

    Norma Shumpert


  5. Bettina Kilburn says:


    What wonderful fruits of Penny’s immense love of God’s people! Thank you especially for this lovely reminder of unforgettable and irreplaceable Penny-and of God’s ceaseless love and care! Love to you and family,
    Bettina and Norm


  6. So glad to open my email and see “Penny’s Blog” being activated. I have kept her in my address book. Just need to do that! I loved hearing about the wonderful things that are now being done in her name, and I’m grateful for the smiling Penny photo with her giant cookie cake! Peace and blessings to you, Richard! In God’s time, in His love, Greta


  7. Jo Anne Highfield says:

    Thank you for letting us know how Penny’s influence is helping so many. I keep this part of one of her blogs in the notes on my phone:
    Believe, my friends! Believe in a God who not only gives love and strength but IS love and strength. Believe in the God of miracles that we can see so easily if we just look around us. Believe in the God who says life does not have to be so complicated – just love – love purely, give generously, judge no one, work for justice, be grateful every day! Live for something bigger than yourself and belief will come!


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